Randolph County Elementary School

Randolph County Elementary School, also known as Cuthbert Elementary School, in Cuthbert, Georgia was built sometime in the late 1920s or early 1930s. The school featured an impressive Art Deco style auditorium able to accommodate as many as 600 guests. In 1981, the school was vacated at the beginning of the school year when grades 5-7 moved into the old county high school and the lower grades transferred to another building. At the time, there was talk of using the building as a community center with the city expected to spend $5,000 to make it usable within 30 days, however that plan never materialized. Instead, the building was mostly used as surplus storage for the city and the county. After sitting vacant for nearly 40 years, demolition on the former school building began in May 2023. The site where the school once stood will be redeveloped into a community park and event space.

Randolph County Elementary School
Randolph County Elementary School
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Randolph County Elementary School

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